All About Toning

On Saturday I took the plunge and got my hair dyed for the first time in 18 months.  I really wanted an ashy blonde ombre however the lovely hairdresser quickly told me that it wouldn't be achievable on the first visit as my hair was so warm-toned from previous treatments (I've been dying my hair on an off for almost 10 years -eeekk!)

Courtney dyed my hair a very light blonde, I was surprised out how well my hair took to the bleach and how light it was.  The only issue was that I left the salon with a very yellow blonde which was not what I wanted  -I had yellow hair for years and it did not suit me!  I decided to make an emergency trip to boots to get some toner and see if I could change the colour to a white blonde, and that's where I stumbled across the best purple shampoo I have ever used.

Lee Stafford sells a number of products specifically for blondes that I've never been aware of before. I picked up the Bleach Blonde shampoo which is only meant to be used once a week (they also sell an everyday version) and the 'hot shots' intensive treatment and ran home to try them out.

Starting with the shampoo, I took a large 50p sized blob and worked it through my wet hair. Now the instructions state to use this as a normal shampoo and do not suggest leaving this on your hair. I would recommend following this advice, I decided to leave it on my hair for 10 mins before washing it out.  I was really impressed with how well this foamed up & it smelt really nice and fruity.  I would happily use this as my everyday shampoo!

Once all of the shampoo was washed out of my hair I applied one of the hot shots.  You get 4 of these in a pack and there are multiple warnings on the packaging how these should not be used often, they are a treatment to be used in an emergency!  Because of this I decided to follow the packaging and only leave it on for 2 mins.  I wasn't so keen on the smell of this one, it smelt fairly chemically but I guess thats because it's such a strong treatment.

I followed up the purple treatments with my usual deep conditioner and then dried and styled my hair as normal.  I was really impressed with how healthy and soft my hair felt once it was dry, considering the amount of damaging treatment I had put it through in a day it didn't feel dry or damaged at all!  What impressed me the most was the colour change... all yellow had been banished and I was left with the milky-white colour I'd hope for.

Big Warning - If you want to try this do not leave the shampoo on for 10mins!!! Although the yellow has gone from my hair I have been left with a slight pink tinge - 3 people have commented that they love the pink in my hair!  I actually don't mind the colour, it's very subtle and if you want that pale pink colour I would actually say try leaving the shampoo on for 20mins.. but if you want ash/ white hair follow the instructions and stick to the allocated time.

I really would highly recommend these products if you are a blonde wanting to keep the copper shades at bay.  I will definitely be re-purchasing, they're super affordable, easy to get hold of and best of all both of these products are vegan & cruelty free!

Do you have blonde hair?  What's your go-to product? Do you have any recommendations for caring for blonde hair?  I would love to hear from you in the comments below or on twitter!!

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