5 Things That Make Me Happy

I've had a down day today - we all have them I'm sure.  I woke up feeling like all I wanted to do was go back to sleep.  I was down for no reason at all, there's nothing wrong & I have nothing to be sad and angry about... I just was!  Sometimes when we're feeling this way it's best to just let it pass, things often look and feel better in the morning.  To help me out of my slump I've put together a little list of 5 things that make me happy, it's great to put into prospective how lucky we are!


The number 1 thing on my list is the people in my life.  My Fiancee Jack is always there for me no matter what & sometimes just cuddling up on the sofa in front of the TV is all it takes to make me calm down and feel happier.  He always tries to make me happy and to feel like a princess and even though he gets it wrong sometimes I know he is always there for me, putting up with my PMT!

It doesn't have to be your other half that cheers you up, my 4 year old niece Holly instantly puts a smile on my face whenever I see her.  Just a phone call with her chatting about frozen and her friends at nursery can snap me out of the worst of moods.  It's important to let the people closest to you help you when times are hard, whoever they are.

Sunny Days

Is it just me that instantly feels good when the sun is shining?  When I wake up to the sun beaming through the window I feel awake and ready for the day.  I never want to sit inside feeling sorry for myself when it's hot outside, it forces me out of the house!  I love springtime when the trees are blossoming and the flowers are in full bloom - it makes the world look much more beautiful and really brightens my outlook on life.


If my mood is really bad, sometimes a nap is needed.  I love sleep.  I love early nights and to sleep in on a morning.  I'm one of these people who is not a morning person and can be quite irritable when I'm lacking sleep - I'm like a baby!!  It's important not to get into a habit of sleeping through the day/ spending days in bed because this can actually cause you to feel more down, but a 20 min nap here and there can be just the thing to perk me up!


We've all seen the scenes in films where the girl is sad so she eats a full pot of ice cream.. while I don't suggest over indulging too much, sometimes a bowl of your favourite (vegan) ice cream or bar of chocolate really can be comforting and I know I've been guilty of drowning my sorrows in sugar and fat!  You may feel worse the next day, but at the time there's nothing better!!

Long Walks

I often find that going for a long walk can help me to clear my head.  Going hand in hand with my above points about the world, sometimes seeing the beauty of the world around us with no distractions can help me to sort out whatever is going through my head and focus on the positives of my life.  I love to explore my local area and take myself off on walks to places I've never been to before.  It's also lovely to spend some quality time with Jack without TV & phones.  Having a real conversation can be hard these days with all of the technology we're obsessed with!

What makes you happy when you're feeling down? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter - I would love to hear from you!

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